Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness (LADDER)
Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness (LADDER)

Contact Information

N-107 Ag. Science Center North 1100 S Limestone Street Lexington, KY 40546-0091




Increasing frequency and intensity of recent disasters highlight how animal health and security impact human safety and critical infrastructure. Often animals are not included in plans and exercises due to limited access to technology and budget constraints. The goal is to team Extension educators with their local emergency management partners to engage whole community stakeholders in a discussion-based exercise to improve disaster preparedness involving animals. Leveraging the animal expertise of non-traditional stakeholders, such as Cooperative Extension, livestock producers, veterinarians, and animal control personnel, can forge innovative approaches to improve disaster preparedness. 

The Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness (LADDER) game is a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) consistent tool that uses gamification to foster new collaborations throughout a three-part exercise:

Module 1: Teams compete to acquire and apply resources to resolve five animal needs assignments following game rules.

Module 2: Players validate whether their local plans, policies, and procedures meet Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 guidance using three-game assignments as example scenarios.

Post-Exercise Evaluation for Emergency Management: Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) and After Action Report (AAR)

The free materials found on the "Facilitator Logistics" and "Exercise Materials" tabs will enable emergency planners to overcome technological and financial barriers to address animal needs, in turn safeguarding human health. 

Project supported by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program (2018-41210-28701 and 2021-41210-35031).

Contact Information

N-107 Ag. Science Center North 1100 S Limestone Street Lexington, KY 40546-0091